Social Lab Project at Kg. Takang, Bachok

PBI in close collaboration with the Takang Madani Residents Association (PERTAMA) has successfully organized the ‘Gotong-Royong’ program, establishment of hygiene services squad and the application of PBI Social Laboratory Project Evaluation Indicators. This initiative is part of the University4Society program which is one of the focus of the university's contribution to society.

The objectives of this program are threefold; to strengthen the spirit of cooperation through the method of gotong royong; to further strengthen the importance of cleanliness and hygiene among the population through the establishment of a volunteer hygiene squad and; to evaluate the suitability of assessment indicators that have been developed, especially in terms of hygiene and rural liveliness.

The target group of this program is members of the Kg Takang community, especially those registered with the Takang Madani Residents Association (PERTAMA). Meanwhile, the hygiene services volunteer squad is focused on the teenagers. To complete the process of applying assessment indicators in the hygiene and liveliness sectors, two PBI lecturers were invited as judges to assess the level of cleanliness and cheerfulness of the residents' houses. The lecturers who acted as the referees were Madam Zuriati Mohd Rashid and Madam Tg Iffah Tuan Yazid.

The gotong royong program started at 8.30 am. At the initial stage, all residents focused on cleaning the area around the recycling hut and also completed the store of al-Barakah at Kg Takang mosque. Currently, the Takang community also started a campaign to recycle used cooking oil in addition to paper, plastic and iron.

At 9:30 am, residents gathered again to be briefed on the implementation of PBI social laboratory project evaluation indicators in terms of cleanliness and cheerfulness. The judges informed that 4 aspects will be assessed by using special forms namely 1) cleanliness in the house and also the yard, 2) solid waste management, 3) cheerfulness and 4) creativity. Simultaneously with the briefing, the Kg Takang hygiene volunteer squad team was launched.

At 10.15 am, the residents resumed gotong royong to level the land in Taman Madani. All the villagers are concentrated in this area. In addition to leveling the land, residents also cleaned the surrounding area until 12.45 pm. Residents returned to al-Barakah mosque to enjoy the lunch provided.

The cleanliness project was achieved with significant changes in the area around the recycling hut, Taman Madani, and the residents’ houses. This program also has an impact in terms of strengthening the relationship and brotherhood among them. Adults, youths and teenagers work together to clean the village area in addition to their homes. The program has also confirmed that Social Laboratory Evaluation Indicators in terms of cleanliness and cheerfulness can be applied and achieve the set objectives.